One of the first things that will come to mind when considering liposuction, breast augmentation, Brazilian butt lift, or other procedures is that you may not be familiar with them. Usually, everyone has a number of questions, and at WestCoast Lipo, we are ready to help you with the answers you need. Let us know if you have additional questions by calling us today! We provide FREE consultations and individualized service in a relaxed atmosphere.
1. What are liposuction and body sculpturing?
Liposuction is a surgical technique that improves the body’s contour by reducing excess fat from fatty deposits located between the skin and muscle. Body sculpturing by liposuction is a dream come true. Localized accumulations of fat, which are often hereditary and frequently impossible to reduce by exercise or dieting, can now be reduced by liposuction surgery.*
Liposuction involves the use of a small stainless-steel tube called a cannula. Connected at one end to a specialized suction pump, the cannula is inserted through tiny skin incisions. The removal of fat is accomplished as the suction cannula creates tiny tunnels through the fatty layers. After surgery, these tiny tunnels collapse, resulting in an improved body contour.
2. What else should I know about body fat?
The body fat of an adult tends to increase gradually over the years. After the age of 30, an individual tends to add fat according to a genetically predetermined pattern. This fat distribution is often resistant to exercise and dieting. An example of genetically predetermined fat distribution that is resistant to dieting and exercise is the fat that appears on the abdomen and hips of a woman after pregnancy. For many people who have inherited the tendency to accumulate excessive fat, liposuction is the only realistic means of significantly changing the body's silhouette.
3. What areas can be treated by liposuction?
The most frequently treated areas in women are the abdomen, hips, thighs, knees, calves, ankles, and beneath the chin.
4. Are the results of liposuction permanent?
Fat cells that are removed by liposuction are less likely to regrow new fat cells than in other areas that have not received liposuction. A woman who always tends to put weight on her thighs and knees will find that after liposuction, these areas are less likely than in other areas to accumulate fat when she gains weight.
A number of patients have had liposuction and subsequently gained weight. In these patients, the areas originally treated by liposuction generally maintain their new desirable silhouette, whereas areas not treated by liposuction are subject to new deposits of fat.*
5. What is Tumescent technique?
The Tumescent technique of liposuction was developed in 1985. It involves the use of large volumes of a dilute solution of lidocaine (a local anesthetic) in combination with the vasoconstrictive drug, epinephrine, which shrinks capillaries. Local anesthesia used in Tumescent technique for liposuction is so effective that patients no longer need intravenous sedatives, narcotic analgesics, or general anesthesia.
This technique is now considered the safest form of liposuction for removing very large amounts of fat because there is virtually no blood loss. Not only has the Tumescent technique proven to be safer than the standard technique using general anesthesia, but it also has proven to be less painful, has minimal post-operative recovery time, and produces optimal cosmetic results.
With a Tumescent technique, infiltrating the local anesthesia is associated with minimal discomfort. Once the area has been completely numbed, surgery in that area is essentially painless. In addition, because the numbness remains in the treated area for more than 12 hours, there is no pain immediately after surgery.
6. What are the risks?
As with any surgical procedure, liposuction is associated with certain common side effects such as bruising, swelling, and temporary numbness. Although irregularities of the skin are possible following liposuction, this side effect is minimized by Tumescent technique. When larger cannulas are used, occasionally there are patients with an irregularity of the skin.
Since smaller, microcannulas became available, noticeable irregularities are very rare. Because of the slow resolution of post-liposuction swelling, the ultimate results following liposuction usually require 12 to 16 weeks to become fully apparent. Nevertheless, patients can usually see dramatic improvements within two to four weeks after surgery.
Although the results of liposuction are often quite spectacular, it is not realistic to expect perfection. Liposuction of the thighs, while improving the silhouette, does not necessarily eliminate the subtle sagging of the skin that is often referred to as cellulite. Liposuction with the Tumescent technique does reduce the degree of cellulite, but it is unlikely to eliminate it. Rare problems that can potentially occur with any surgical procedure include infections, bleeding, and nerve injury, The Tumescent technique, however, minimizes these risks.
7. How does Tumescent technique reduce the risk of infection?
Infections are extremely rare, regardless of whether or not the anesthetic technique is that of general anesthesia or local anesthesia. Although there have been reports in the medical literature of patients who have had serious infections following liposuction surgery, to the best of our knowledge, there have never been any patients who have had an infection following Tumescent liposuction performed using only local anesthesia. Lidocaine, the local anesthetic that is used for the tumescent technique, kills bacteria. With Tumescent technique, the areas that are being treated surgically are those same areas that will receive the local anesthetic that kills bacteria.
8. When can I return to normal activities?
Because of the significant decrease in swelling and decrease in inflammation and pain after surgery, patients can return to normal physical activities very soon after the procedure. There is no limitation of physical activity other than what common sense would dictate.
Some patients can return to jogging, golf, or light aerobic exercise within a day or two after surgery. Some patients do find the soreness after surgery to be more significant than others, but on average, most patients are surprised at how quickly they can return to normal activity.
9. How does Tumescent technique give better and smoother results?
Because very small cannulas are used with the Tumescent technique, it permits a more delicate and gentle approach to liposuction as the surgeon can control the direction and position of the cannula with much more accuracy. This results in a greatly reduced risk of inadvertently approaching the undersurface of the skin too closely and unintentionally causing skin irregularities.
Further, the use of very small cannulas enables the surgeon to make such small incisions that no stitches are used. The wounds heal by themselves and virtually disappear over time. By not using stitches to close skin incisions, the rate of healing is faster. Another benefit of not stitching the incisions closed is that, after the procedure, the open incisions permit easy drainage of the slightly blood-tinged anesthetic solution. This has a dramatic effect in minimizing bruising. Most patients notice that bruising is almost absent after surgery.
10. Does liposuction hurt?
All procedures are performed using oral sedation and local anesthesia known as the tumescent technique. To decrease anxiety and discomfort an inhalation gas known as Pentox is available. Using the above anesthetics liposuction is performed with safety and with minimal discomfort.
11. Do you have to wear a compression garment?
A compression garment is worn over the treated areas for up to six weeks depending on the amount of fat removed and the elasticity of the skin. This helps the body to conform to its new contour. It is not noticeable under clothing.
12. Is hospitalization required?
No, all procedures are performed in a fully-equipped day surgery facility. You can return home the same day.
13. Does liposuction cause bruising?
Although some bruising can be expected, the latest techniques, instrumentation, and medication used minimize it considerably. Those patients who bruise very easily are uncommon and know in advance of their susceptibility.
14. How much weight will I lose with liposuction?
Weight loss may be minimal as fat weighs very little compared to muscle. You will simply become slimmer in the areas treated.
15. How soon after liposuction can I resume exercise?
A gentle walk is recommended a few hours after surgery. Vigorous exercise is not recommended for at least two weeks, although tolerance varies greatly with each individual.
16. I am overweight. Can I have liposculpture?
Liposculpture is not an obesity treatment, though in some cases, volume reduction in a series of procedures can provide raised self-esteem and can be a major incentive for you to manage your weight and exercise more effectively. It is known that fat cells are high in inflammation and reducing one's fatty tissue has beneficial effects on one's level of cellular inflammation.
17. Is liposculpture suitable for both men and women?
Liposuction is equally effective for both sexes.
18. Does liposuction improve cellulite or stretch marks?
Liposuction does not improve cellulite or stretch marks. Cellulite and stretch marks are not related to fat accumulation beneath the skin.
* Information on this website about liposuction and autologous fat transfer is not intended to substitute for medical advice or medical treatment. Be sure to speak to your personal physician about any health concerns you have and to rely on personal consultation with your cosmetic surgeon regarding the cosmetic procedures that are appropriate for you. Individual results can vary.
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National City, CA 91950
Main Phone: (619) 564-8174
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